This guide explores and documents efforts to form free, open source alternatives to corporate cloud infrastructures, especially through cooperative business models.

Cooperative clouds

Commons clouds – Canadian higher ed cloud using Sandstorm, managed by OpenETCChatons – French network of commons clouds • Disroot – “a platform providing online services based on principles of freedom, privacy, federation and decentralization,” an Amsterdam-based volunteer service • – “a free, lightweight platform where you can launch your (virtual) servers,” privacy focused • Framasoft – “A network dedicated to globally promoting “free” and particularly free software.” ◦ Konrad Lischka, “How a French association with 6 employees offers mainstream users free and libre alternatives to Facebook Groups, Slack, Skype and the like” (February 26, 2017) • The Good Cloud – NextCloud-based free and paid cloud service • Riseup – “provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change”

Open-app ecosystems